Haydarpasha Train Station

European Style Train Station In Asia

Haydarpasha Train Station

West End Of Asia Railways

Sirkeci Train Station

Orient Style Train Station In Eastern Europe

Galata Tower

Galata Tower In Istanbul, Near Of 2nd Oldest Funicular In The World

Pera Palace

Orient Style Hotel

Marmaray Railway, Eurasia Rail, Contemporary Silk Road

Please READ MORE for the video. The Silk Road is the ancient trade route between Europe and Asia. Merchants transport silks, spices, valuable goods through that way. The Silk Road has not only been the route of merchants, but also been the route of armies, ideas, religions and culture from east to west and west to east. The first documents about the route of silk road date back to Ancient Greeks and Romans. In the past, grueling caravan journey were made on the Silk Road, it has touristic importance today. Marmaray continues to add value to life while connecting two continents just like the Silk Road. The Marmaray has ERTMS as well as CBTC signalization system at the same time.


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