Haydarpasha Train Station

European Style Train Station In Asia

Haydarpasha Train Station

West End Of Asia Railways

Sirkeci Train Station

Orient Style Train Station In Eastern Europe

Galata Tower

Galata Tower In Istanbul, Near Of 2nd Oldest Funicular In The World

Pera Palace

Orient Style Hotel

Trafik Akım, Traffic Flow, Regression Analysis Of Traffic Flow

Please READ MORE for the Document. Analyzing of vehicle movements on Bosphorus Bridge.

Car Safety

Please READ MORE for the video. Momentum is about mass and velocity furthermore, g-force is the acceleration. When change in velocity occurs Acceleration. When change in acceleration, occurs Jerk. V=x/t (v: velocity, x: position, t: time) fourth derivative position vector with respect to time is Snap, sixth derivation with respect to time is Pounce. Negative g resistance of ordinary human body (uneducated to resist to g force) is about −3 g (−29 m/s2). In this happen may occur temporary vision loss or vision fade to red it refers to as red out. Both of g exposure time and g level are significant parameters for human body health.

Bikeshare and Public Transportation (Bisiklet Paylaşımı ve Toplu Taşıma)

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Bikeshare ve Toplu Taşıma;

Railway Collision Tests, G-Force on Railway Accidents

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When change in velocity occurs Acceleration. When change in acceleration, occurs Jerk. V=x/t (v:velocity, x: position, t: time) fourth derivative position vector with respect to time is Snap, sixth derivation with respect to time is Pounce. Negative g resistance of ordinary human body (uneducated to resist to g force) is about −3 g (−29 m/s2). In this happen may occur temporary vision loss, or vision fade to red it refers to as red out. Both of g exposure time and g level are significant parameters for human body health.

Extraordinary Railroads

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Extraordinary Railroads...

Level Crossing

Please READ MORE for the video. Level Crossing Safety.


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