Haydarpasha Train Station

European Style Train Station In Asia

Haydarpasha Train Station

West End Of Asia Railways

Sirkeci Train Station

Orient Style Train Station In Eastern Europe

Galata Tower

Galata Tower In Istanbul, Near Of 2nd Oldest Funicular In The World

Pera Palace

Orient Style Hotel

Driving Side, LHD And RHD

Please READ MORE for the video. The roots of many rules applied today have laid in the past. 1435mm normal gauge of railway track diameter comes from chariot wheel gauge. Also driving side goes back to ancient times. Some places use LHD and some others RHD. People of the world have been using the left side of the road almost everywhere in ancient times. Because, it has been helping their personal safety. Many people right handed and scabbards keep at the left side (please see Aiki-ken, Aikido etc.). “In the late 1700s, however, teamsters in France and the United States began hauling farm products in big wagons pulled by several pairs of horses. These wagons had no driver’s seat; instead the driver sat on the left rear horse, so he could keep his right arm free to lash the team. Since he was sitting on the left, he naturally wanted everybody to pass on the left so he could look down and make sure he kept clear of the oncoming wagon’s wheels. Therefore he kept to the right side of the road.” [https://www.worldstandards.eu/cars/driving-on-the-left/#:~:text=In%20the%20early%20years%20of,changed%20to%20right%2Dhand%20driving.]
Passengers board planes from the left as in boats around the world.

Truck Catenary, Road Catenary System, Greener Transportation

Please READ MORE for the video.


Tram Gif