Haydarpasha Train Station

European Style Train Station In Asia

Haydarpasha Train Station

West End Of Asia Railways

Sirkeci Train Station

Orient Style Train Station In Eastern Europe

Galata Tower

Galata Tower In Istanbul, Near Of 2nd Oldest Funicular In The World

Pera Palace

Orient Style Hotel

High Wind Blows Train

Please READ MORE for the video. High winds can blow a train off track, it is related to aerodynamic form of wagons.

Sand Hydrophobization, Chemical Sand Hydrophobization Method, Hydrophobic Sand, Hidrofobik Kum

Please READ MORE for the Document. Sand Hydrophobization, Sand Hydrophobization Chemical Solution, Hydrophobic Sand. No more wheel slip on rails.
Chemical Sand Hydrophobization Method Pdf Chemical Sand Hydrophobization Method

Trafik Akım, Traffic Flow, Regression Analysis Of Traffic Flow

Please READ MORE for the Document. Analyzing of vehicle movements on Bosphorus Bridge.

Car Safety

Please READ MORE for the video. Momentum is about mass and velocity furthermore, g-force is the acceleration. When change in velocity occurs Acceleration. When change in acceleration, occurs Jerk. V=x/t (v: velocity, x: position, t: time) fourth derivative position vector with respect to time is Snap, sixth derivation with respect to time is Pounce. Negative g resistance of ordinary human body (uneducated to resist to g force) is about −3 g (−29 m/s2). In this happen may occur temporary vision loss or vision fade to red it refers to as red out. Both of g exposure time and g level are significant parameters for human body health.

Bikeshare and Public Transportation (Bisiklet Paylaşımı ve Toplu Taşıma)

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Bikeshare ve Toplu Taşıma;

Railway Collision Tests, G-Force on Railway Accidents

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When change in velocity occurs Acceleration. When change in acceleration, occurs Jerk. V=x/t (v:velocity, x: position, t: time) fourth derivative position vector with respect to time is Snap, sixth derivation with respect to time is Pounce. Negative g resistance of ordinary human body (uneducated to resist to g force) is about −3 g (−29 m/s2). In this happen may occur temporary vision loss, or vision fade to red it refers to as red out. Both of g exposure time and g level are significant parameters for human body health.

Extraordinary Railroads

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Extraordinary Railroads...

Level Crossing

Please READ MORE for the video. Level Crossing Safety.

Car and Spectator and Perimeter Safety

Please READ MORE for the video. Small differences can have large effects. Pay attention minute 2.3 on the video.

Can Trains Overtaking?

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SIL (Safety Integrity Level), Signalization, Fale Safe, Railway Points, they all about overtaking of trains.

Extrem Weather Effect, Water on Track

Please READ MORE for the video. Extreme weather effect on a train!. It is about Safety Management System. Railroad transportation and Civil Aviation are almost same in some ways. Civil Aviation Accidents (include weather condition effect) Statistical Analysis veya Sivil Havacılık Uçak Kazaları (Hava şartları etkileri dahil) İstatistiksel Analizi Türkçe

Railway And Earthquake

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Railway And Earthquake
It's not an inconvenience to believe to superheroes. As a matter of fact, they exist!. Also you may be one of them. That’s the way it is, doing each task by devotion, calmness, detail and empathy.
Identification, assessment and intervention of risks is an important quality issue. So, Risk Precedence Number shows to many thing about them.
Every wise humankind knows, the devil is in the details.

Aerodynamic and Relative Wind of Vehicles

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Aircrafts are transporter, also aerodynamic vehicles. Lifting is aerodynamic force and it depends on relative speed of air as per vehicle. So, wind direction (up-down, forward-backward, right-left and mix of these) is very important for aircrafts.
Civil Aviation Accidents Statistical Analysis / Safety Management System : https://hakanrailways.blogspot.com/p/civil-aviation-accidents.html
#safety #aviation #transportation #aerodynamics #forces

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) Tram Rails and The Walking Pavilion

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Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) Tram Rails and The Walking Pavilion
An imposing plane tree attracts Mustafa Kemal's attention while he passing on Ertugrul Yacht through coast of Yalova (Marmara Sea) on August 21st, 1929. Mustafa Kemal goes ashore and rests in the shade of this plane tree. He likes the region and that tree and wants having a pavilion built in the region. Construction of the pavilion was started and the pavilion completed in 22 days (September 12nd, 1929).
Mustafa Kemal visits the region one year later in the summer of 1930. Employees in the pavilion, indicate that a branch of the plane tree extends towards the pavilion and damages the exterior surface of the pavilion and requests permission to cut this branch of the plane tree. But Mustafa Kemal says, the pavilion built because the plane tree is there, so the pavilion should transport sideways on the tram rails. Thereafter, the works begin and the pavilion transports to the east about 4.80 m through the tram rails laid on the ground and then successfully relocated.

Yürüyen Köşk
Mustafa Kemal’in 21 Ağustos 1929 tarihinde Yalova kıyısından (Marmara Denizi) Ertuğrul Yatı ile geçerken gördüğü heybetli bir çınar ağacı ilgisini çeker. Yattan kıyıya çıkan Mustafa Kemal bu çınar ağacının gölgesinde dinlenir. Bölgeyi ve ağacı çok beğenir ve bölgede bir köşk yapılmasını ister. Köşkün yapımına başlanır ve 22 gün içinde köşk tamamlanır (12 Eylül 1929).

Mustafa Kemal 1930 yazında bölgeyi tekrar ziyaret eder. Köşkte çalışanlar, yandaki çınar ağacının bir dalının köşke doğru uzadığını ve köşkün dış yüzeyine zarar verdiğini belirtiler ve çınarın o dalını kesmek için izin isterler. Mustafa Kemal ise, o köşkün o çınar için orada olduğunu ve köşkün tramvay rayları üzerinde yana kaydırılmasını ister. Bunun üzerine çalışmalar başlar ve köşk zeminine yerleştirilen tramvay rayları üzerinde 4.80m kadar doğu yönünde başarılı bir şekilde kaydırılır. Bundan sonra da Yürüyen Köşk adını alır.
#Ataturk #transportation #rail #railroad #inspiring #tree #history


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