Haydarpasha Train Station

European Style Train Station In Asia

Rail Point Heating

Please READ MORE for the Video. In some conditions, railway points may freeze. A kind of Rail Point Heating!.  Reference: CBS Chicago  Music: Johnny Cash - Rings of fi...

Public transportation and infectious diseases

Big cities become overcrowded in the world. Public transportation includes various features as environmental, economic and social. On the other hand, public transport requires the establishment of certain rules and complies by beneficiaries. The most important one is Respect. For example; behaviors when getting in and off vehicles, inside station and vehicle. Among these, infectious diseases have highest risk level (due to Risk Precedence Number)....

Atkinson & Miller Cycle

Please READ MORE for the video and the article.  Diesel engines for Locomotives and Atkinson & Miller Cycle with Toyota Some diesel locomotives, cars and more use Miller Cycle Engines. In the Atkinson (or Miller) cycle the engine can behave like two volumes. If it is operating as Atkinson, not as Otto, the suction valve is actually not closed as soon as movement begin the cylinder to TDC. Let's make some calculations: Cylinder Volume:...


Tram Gif