Haydarpasha Train Station

European Style Train Station In Asia

Haydarpasha Train Station

West End Of Asia Railways

Sirkeci Train Station

Orient Style Train Station In Eastern Europe

Galata Tower

Galata Tower In Istanbul, Near Of 2nd Oldest Funicular In The World

Pera Palace

Orient Style Hotel

Self Powered Bogie

This is not a hump shunting. Freight wagon which have self powered bogie without locomotive. Autonomous and,battery powered. For the details: https://lnkd.in/dteRHPvY

Innovative and Effective Car Transport by Railway

Logistic need to both of logic and statistics approaches. Efficiency is important fact for the 3PL. Some futuristic ways to transport vehicle by railway in the past.

Pony Bogie

Sometimes trains need some help and it can give it. Useful tools...

Railway Braking, Tram Braking, Train Braking

Please READ MORE for the video. Braking physics related with brake shoe friction ratio (K, L etc.) and vertical force of them (to the wheel bandage or disk or rail). Brake system ensure negative force when activate and rail-wheel contact force (adhesion) must resist to brake force. So, wheel rail contact force and furthermore, vertical force of vehicle is important parameter for braking. Braking test regulation: EN13452 Some braking technologies convert the energy to electricity again via power system through braking force and resend to line to use on other trains which being in the same section or to burn in resistors. f=m*a (f: force (N), m: mass (kg), a: acceleration (m/s2)) Also Jerk level should not exceed safety limitations. Emergency (harsh) braking creats negative (not completely negative, it is about vector) g-force. If the passenger about 75 kg. and deceleration force 3.0 m/s^2 and f=75*3=225 N So, hold on tight the handles in railway vehicles. Videos: Joó Ferenc Debrecen CAF Urbos tram brake testing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_9KBZM_e3M widget787 ALSTOM Citadis Tram in Istanbul (with Emergency Braking) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgAumM1wHHg Marius Ciocan Emergency brake tests D class tram - 60 km/h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ark3JusZ8w Khang Lu Train Emergency Brake Activation At 40 MPH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldF6tug8ykg Tc Rail Heavy braking and sparks with cast iron brake blocks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm4LXmumR9s TC Rail Brakes on fire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE5AMO83QRg

Steam Locomotive Underground (Metro)

Please READ MORE for the video.

Railway Sand Hydrophobization. Railway Traction Sand. Demiryolu Patinaj Kumu

Please READ MORE for the Document. Railway Sand Hydrophobization. Railway Traction Sand / Demiryolu Patinaj Kumu. You can contact me about BuHa979 and sand hydrophobization.

Shisa Kanko, Pointing And Calling

Shisa Kanko (Pointing and Calling) Shisa Kanko (Pointing and Calling, Shisa Kakunin Kanko, Yubisashi Kosho) is a safety method to ensure “do it well in first time” or avoiding mistakes like neglect, carelessness, inattention, ignore something what it need to be sure. Shisa Kanko is about countion, eyes, looking, perception. It is essentially about Total Quality Management. We can define; Looking: Looking act perform through eyes. Seeing: Seeing need to consciousness to make sense for visible object. Contain awareness. Shisa Kanko developed in railway sector especially for train drivers and then, spreaded out to other industries. Shisa Kanko recommends by the JISHA (Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association). Shisa Kanko is control and check perfection method.

Railway Wheel Flat

Please READ MORE for the video. Do not think that this is a new type brake, this is sample of wheel flat. If there is a small flattened spot in wheel tread, it will be bigger flat in time due to impacts on its edges.

Track and Rail and Wheel Physics and Rail Agglomeration Area and Moment Arm

Please READ MORE for the video (full secreen is my recommendation) and document. If there was not mass of railway vehicle and gravity, vehicle wheels stand just on rail head level. In fact due to physics, wheel embeds to rail and rail embed to superstructure and superstructur embed to substructure and earth (action-reaction) So, vertical and horizontal forces occur elastical deformation on wheel, rail and structure. As well as static wheel and dinamic (moving) wheel contact surface are different from each other. Wheel and rail contact area is not smooth flat, wheel is embeded to rail head due to wheel load and wheel gauge and wheel hardness and rail head hardness. Several deems accept wheel and rail contact surface has vertical force line passing through the center of the wheel (axle zero point on wheel). In fact, contact point is front of the center of the moving wheel (distance of static wheel-rail contact point as per moving wheel-rail contact point is named as moment arm). So, we can deem wheel always try to climb on rail due to whell-rail embeding ratio as well as climb on structure due to rail-superstructure-substructure embeding ratio as independently of the track vertical slope. Consequently, beside the driving resistances like bearing frictions, wheel-rail adhesion, aerodynamic resistances, vehicle power unit and power axles need to beat embeding resistance as well. This phenomenon makes strain on rail head surface on the back of the contact area and agglomeration on rail head surface on the front of the contact area. Furthermore, rail contact area tempreture increases because of vertical force (that force occurs pressure on surfaces and it energizes molecules which at the rail and wheel contact surface). We can calculate the train resistance through Equation of Davis. “We designate (V: km/h) as train velocity and (A: N) (B: Ns/m), (C: Ns^2/m^2) empirical coefficients. (A) is the mechanical resistance and determines due to axle load, number of axles and number of wagons naturally length of train, track and wagon type. (B) is the a part of the aerodynamic resistances so it is due to train lenght and number of axle. (C) is the aerodynamic resistances which affecting to front and rear area of the vehicle” [Rochard ve Schmid, 2000; Lukaszewicz, 2001]. On the other hand, we can calculate resistances with empirical methods like Traction Power Method, Dynomometer, Hump Release Method.

Marmaray Railway, Eurasia Rail, Contemporary Silk Road

Please READ MORE for the video. The Silk Road is the ancient trade route between Europe and Asia. Merchants transport silks, spices, valuable goods through that way. The Silk Road has not only been the route of merchants, but also been the route of armies, ideas, religions and culture from east to west and west to east. The first documents about the route of silk road date back to Ancient Greeks and Romans. In the past, grueling caravan journey were made on the Silk Road, it has touristic importance today. Marmaray continues to add value to life while connecting two continents just like the Silk Road. The Marmaray has ERTMS as well as CBTC signalization system at the same time.


Tram Gif